Monday 24 January 2011

Song of the Week | Tim Hughes 'Here I Am To Worship'

We don't spend that much time on this earth, as we found out yesterday when a beloved member of our congregation slipped away. A lovely member of the church, active and passionate about her faith, welcoming to newbies like me and my Mrs when we first arrived. For that I thank her so much. There are many things we plan to achieve, dream of reaching, strive to become whilst we live our lives on this planet, but perhaps the one thing we should put in pole position is praising our Lord. Indeed, we are all here to worship and knowing that trust in God, putting our faith in him, we all know where we are going after this life if we live how he wants us to. Worship and praise him, remember those who have been lost, but be assured of where they are now.

1 comment:

  1. I probably don't say it enough - but I am SO BLESSED to be your wife and SO PROUD OF YOU!

    I love you!

