Saturday 22 January 2011

Man of Science, Man of Faith

No, not the season two premiere of Lost. Apparently there are two men. Ones of Science, ones of Faith. For a long time scientists have been trying to explain the beginning of the universe, the creation of our world. You can take away the test tubes, elements tables and Bunsen burners, it's all explained somewhere much more accessible.

Genesis, it reads 'in the beginning God'. What more do you need. At the start of all things, there was God. Regardless of whatever else, science has tried boiled it down to something like a -43rd of a second moment where something happened, but whatever else, however else you try to explain it, in the beginning God. The Lord was there, and life building towards what we know life to be now, began. That moment when the world was created, whatever else was there, God was there. That is what being a man of faith is about.

You can dissect as many frogs as you wish and science is fantastic to discover developments to cues for disease. There is only so much being a man of science will explain. become a man of faith, put that faith in the Lord and know that God is creator of man, heavens and earth. If you take one thing from this weekend, whatever you're doing, remember, in the beginning God.

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